On 07/07/16 15:13, Eike Baran via Dev wrote:
Is this enabled by default and/or can it be enabled/disabled by a flag? Otherwise this could become a debugging-nightmare as i assume the minifying works by replacing meaningful identifiers by 1-letter shortnames and stripping linebreaks, comments etc.?
Yes it can be use optionaly like the following lines inside package Makefiles
define Build/Compile $(call GluonSrcDiet,./luasrc,$(PKG_BUILD_DIR)/luadest/) endef
if you dont want a minifyed lua file on a image you can just drop the line in your spesiffic package.
maybe the best idea would be to enable the minifying on a per-device-basis so that routers with enough flash can continue using the uncompressed easy-to-debug-and-modify-firmware while the smaller routers with just 4mb would get a compressed image. that would be the best compromise imho
I think this is not nessesary. For debunging oder developing you can transfare the unminifyed lua file via scp to routers and worke on it.
vg Tarek