Dev June 2017
  • 10 participants
  • 12 discussions

Roadmap Planung
by Jan-Tarek Butt
6 years, 9 months

by Simon Kurka
7 years, 4 months

Sign Request 20170629
by Johannes Rudolph
7 years, 6 months

Vorschlag für nightly autoupdater branche
by Jan-Tarek Butt
7 years, 8 months

Neue Hoods
by Johannes Rudolph
7 years, 8 months

Fwd: [gluon] [SITE] Site seeds and VXLANs
by Jan-Tarek Butt
7 years, 8 months

Puppet Repo Änderungen
by Stefan
7 years, 8 months

Firmware md5sum Checksumme
by Christian 'picard' Lorenz
7 years, 9 months

Hoodselector ignoriert eigen mesh-bssid nicht -> router bleibt in default hood
by lrnzo
7 years, 9 months

Fwd: [WLANware] [gluon] [ANNOUNCE] Gluon v2016.2.6 and v2017.1
by Bjoern Franke
7 years, 9 months
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