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The Let's Encrypt Team
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The Let's Encrypt Team
Dear Supporter of Digital Freedom,
When trade agreements are negotiated in secret, the public
loses out. There's a new bill in Congress that would require
the U.S. to make drafts of trade agreements available to the
The highly secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would
have locked the United States into its current, broken
copyright rules. It contained provisions that could have
easily been abused by repressive regimes to prosecute human
rights defenders. The TPP is dead, but with the reopening of
NAFTA, and other new trade deals on the horizon, powerful
corporations are lobbying for equally restrictive measures.
Our only hope is to demand transparency in U.S.
participation in trade negotiations. If public interest
groups and ordinary citizens have access to the text of
trade agreements as they are being written, then we can more
effectively urge the government to demand better agreements.
Tell your representative: give the public a place at the
Thank you,
Elliot Harmon
Activism Team
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Support our work on transparency in trade agreements:
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 815 Eddy Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 USA EFF appreciates your support and respects your privacy: https://www.eff.org/policy Unsubscribe from all mailings: https://supporters.eff.org/civicrm/mailing/optout?reset=1&jid=21429&qid=720… Change your email preferences: https://supporters.eff.org/update-your-preferences?cid1=2061725&cs=3d181a07…
Liebe Freifunk-Kollegen in Berlin, Bremen und Franken,
wir versuchen zur Zeit von Freifunk Nordwest einen Server am
Community-IX in Berlin in Betrieb zu nehmen.
Im Server steckt eine HP NC552SFP, die sich bei lspci 2x als Emulex
OneConnect 10Gb ausweist.
Seitens Community-IX sind auf dem Switch LLDP-Pakete von MAC+1 zu sehen,
die Ports haben xx:xx:xx:xx:13:88 und xx:xx:xx:xx:13:8c, die LLDP-Pakete
kommen von xx:xx:xx:xx:13:89. Auf dem System selbst sind die LLDP-Pakete
nicht sichtbar.
Nun haben wir per lldptool versucht, jeglichen LLDP-Foo abzuschalten,
was aber keine Besserung brachte, und hbacmd in einem CentOS-chroot
findet die Karte nicht. Im BIOS der Karte findet sich nichts zu LLDP,
nur zu PXE, was natürlich abgeschaltet ist.
Laut einer Seite[1] zu einer Karte, die auch das be2net Modul verwendet,
lässt sich dieses Verhalten auch nicht deaktivieren:
"The adapter uses the second or the MAC+1 port address for LLDP/DCBX
(Link Layer Discovery Protocol)/(Data Center Bridging eXchange) link
exchange. The DCBX engine is built into the network controller ASIC for
FCoE and is always active although FCoE is not supported. This MAC+1
address remains constant and is not changed with OFM. The forwarding
data base of the switch will show the Ethernet Base port MAC + 1 address
value. A user may expect to only see the port Base MAC address. This is
a potential point of confusion for a user who is unaware of the reason
why the base MAC+1 address is present."
Ist somit die Karte schlichtweg nicht geeignet für einen derartigen
Einsatz, da LLDP gegen die IX-Policy verstösst; oder welche
Möglichkeiten, die LLDP-Pakete abzuschalten, gibt es noch?
Wir haben leider, was SFP-Karten betrifft, bisher sogut wie keine Erfahrung.
Viele Grüße
Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in
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The Let's Encrypt Team
Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in
9 days (on 31 Jul 17 21:14 +0000). Please make sure to renew
your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter errors.
For any questions or support, please visit https://community.letsencrypt.org/.
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that this reminder email is still sent if you've obtained a slightly
different certificate by adding or removing names. If you've replaced
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The Let's Encrypt Team
Your certificate (or certificates) for the names listed below will expire in
19 days (on 06 Aug 17 09:56 +0000). Please make sure to renew
your certificate before then, or visitors to your website will encounter errors.
For any questions or support, please visit https://community.letsencrypt.org/.
Unfortunately, we can't provide support by email.
For details about when we send these emails, please visit
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The Let's Encrypt Team