bitte löscht meinem Mattermostaccount. Da
man bei Kritik nicht ernst genommen wird, ist meine Geduld am Ende. Ihr könnt mit gerne ne Mail schreiben. Aber diesen "Messenger " nutze ich nicht mehr.
Achso wenn Ihr schon dabei seit .
Bitte auch die Account für Odoo / Wiki/ Inventarsystem löschen.
Den Tätigkeit als Shopmensch trete ich auch mit sofortiger Wirkung ab.
Das Lager in Oldenburg ist fast leer und ab jetzt das Problem jemand anderen.
Schönen Abend
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EFFector Vol. 30, No. 14 Friday, September 15, 2017 editor(a)
A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
ISSN 1062-9424
effector: n, Computer Sci. A device for producing a
desired change.
: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :
In our 724th issue:
* Defend Our Online Communities: Stop SESTA
A new bill is working its way through Congress that could
be disastrous for free speech online. EFF is proud to be
part of the coalition fighting back.
The Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA) would weaken
47 U.S.C. 230 (commonly known as "CDA 230" or simply
"Section 230"), which protects Internet
intermediaries--individuals, companies, and organizations
that provide a platform for others to share speech and
content over the Internet. This includes social networks
like Facebook, video platforms like YouTube, news sites,
blogs, and other websites that allow comments.
SESTA would shift more blame for users' speech to the web
platforms themselves, which would likely spur web
communities to become much more restrictive in how they
patrol and monitor users' contributions.
Read more:…
* EFF, ACLU Sue Over Warrantless Phone, Laptop Searches at
U.S. Border
EFF and the American Civil Liberties Union sued the
Department of Homeland Security this week on behalf of 11
travelers whose smartphones and laptops were searched
without warrants at the U.S. border.
The lawsuit challenges the government's fast-growing
practice of searching travelers' electronic devices without
a warrant, and seeks to establish that the government must
have a warrant based on probable cause to suspect a
violation of immigration or customs laws before conducting
such searches.
Read more:…
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EFF Updates
* We're Asking the Copyright Office to Protect Your Right
to Remix, Study, and Tinker
EFF has filed new petitions with the Copyright Office to
give those in the United States protection against legal
threats when you take control of your devices and media.
We're also seeking broader, better protection for security
researchers and video creators against threats from Section
1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
DMCA 1201, an unconstitutional law, bans "circumvention" of
access controls on copyrighted works--including
software--and bans making or distributing tools that
circumvent such digital locks. In effect, it lets hardware
and software makers, along with major entertainment
companies, control how your digital devices are allowed to
function and how you can use digital media. It also creates
legal risks for security researchers, repair shops,
artists, and technology users.…
* With iOS 11, More Options to Disable Touch ID Means
Better Security
Prior to the public release, some vigilant Twitter users
using the iOS 11 public beta discovered a new way to
quickly disable Touch ID by just tapping the power button
five times, an improvement on previously known and
relatively clunky methods for disabling Touch ID.
This is good news for users, particularly those who may be
in unpredictable situations with physical security concerns
that change over time. We call on other manufacturers to
follow Apple's lead and implement this kind of design in
their own devices.…
* Judge Cracks Down on LinkedIn’s Shameful Abuse of
Computer Break-In Law
A judge recently issued an early ruling against LinkedIn's
abuse of the notorious Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA)
to block a competing service from perfectly legal uses of
publicly available data on its website. LinkedIn's behavior
is just the sort of bad development we expected after the
United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
delivered two dangerously expansive interpretations of the
CFAA's ban on "unauthorized access."
We're asking the Supreme Court to step in and provide a
clear, unequivocal ruling that using a computer in a way
that violates corporate policies, preferences, and
expectations cannot be grounds for a CFAA violation.…
* India’s Supreme Court Upholds Right to Privacy as a
Fundamental Right
A recent judgment by the Supreme Court of India endorsed
the right to privacy as a fundamental right. Arising from a
challenge to India's biometric identity scheme Aadhaar, the
judgment clarifies that privacy is intrinsic to human
dignity and liberty.
The judgment calls for the government to create a data
protection regime that balances safeguarding the privacy of
the individual and the legitimate concerns of the state.…
* Will TPP-11 Nations Escape the Copyright Trap?
Latest reports confirm that the Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP) is being revived. The agreement had been shelved
following the withdrawal of the U.S. from the negotiation
process, but those eager to keep the pact alive have
rallied support to move forward with the agreement.
A recent statement by New Zealand's Prime Minister suggests
that countries favor an approach that seeks to replicate
TPP provisions with minimal number of changes. Avoiding
renegotiation or opening up of TPP will lead to enactment
of its flawed and untested provisions--including the
copyright term extension--with far-reaching ramifications
on innovation, creativity and culture.…
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~ AI Will Soon Identify Protesters With Their Faces Partly
Concealed (Motherboard)
Researchers are quickly figuring out how to identify
obscured faces, and governments are quickly figuring out
how to exploit that.…
~ Virginia Bars Voting Machines Considered Top Hacking
Target (Politico)
In an effort to prevent election tampering, Virginia will
not use touchscreen voting machines for November’s
gubernatorial vote.…
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* Cryptoparty Hosted by Digital Freedom Initiative
A local community group in the Electronic Frontier Alliance
will host a cryptoparty in Cleveland, OH on September 16.
* Cryptoparty Hosted by CyPurr
A local community group in the Electronic Frontier Alliance
will host a cryptoparty in Brooklyn, NY on September 17.
* Discussion Hosted by TA3M Portland
A local community group in the Electronic Frontier Alliance
will host a discussion on privacy in Portland, OR on
September 18.
* EFF at NAFTA in Ottawa
When EFF attends NAFTA negotiations in Ottawa, we will
co-host a roundtable event open to the public on September
22 where trade and digital policy experts will discuss the
potential impacts of NAFTA on digital rights.
* EFF at World Maker Faire New York 2017
On September 23 & 24 EFF will participate in the world's
most diverse showcase of creativity and innovation in
technology, craft, science, fashion, art, food and more.
* Free Movie Screening & Discussion with EFF
EFF Activism Director Rainey Reitman is coming to Lexington
and Roanoke on September 26 to meet with Virginians who
care about civil liberties. We'll host a movie screening of
CITIZENFOUR with a discussion to follow.
* Drinks, Dinner & Surveillance Presentation with EFF
Join EFF Activism Director Rainey Reitman in Lexington, VA
on September 27 at the Rockbridge Country Democratic
Committee’s bimonthly cocktails & dinner for a discussion
on NSA surveillance. Note that while this is a Democratic
club, EFF is a nonpartisan nonprofit attending to discuss
the issue of surveillance, not endorse candidates or
political parties.
* EFF at the University of Iowa
EFF's Legal Director Corynne McSherry will lead a
discussion exploring who should protect free expression
during times of crisis at the University of Iowa's Center
for Human Rights on September 27 at 7:30pm.
* Color of Surveillance Hill Briefing
EFF Activism Director Rainey Reitman will moderate a Hill
briefing on how foreign intelligence surveillance
intersects with race, class, and policy in Washington, D.C.
on September 28.
* EFA September 2017 Teleconference
EFF's Electronic Frontier Alliance team will host a remote
teleconference to highlight opportunities for grassroots
organizers on September 28 at 6pm PT / 8pm CT / 9pm ET.
: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :
Our members make it possible for EFF to bring legal and technological
expertise into crucial battles about online rights. Whether defending
free speech online or challenging unconstitutional surveillance, your
participation makes a difference. Every donation gives technology users
who value freedom online a stronger voice and more formidable advocate.
If you aren't already, please consider becoming an EFF member today.
: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :
* Administrivia
Camille Ochoa, Activist
EFFector is published by:
The Electronic Frontier Foundation
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Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is
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