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The Let's Encrypt Team
Hallo zusammen,
heute im Laufe des Nachmittages werde ich die Hoods tossens, suedost,
bentheim auf unseren Berliner Node schieben.
Es kann hier wieder zu vereinzelten Ausfällen kommen. Sobald die Wartung
abgeschlossen ist, gebe ich Bescheid.
Viele Grüße,
_______ _______ _______
(_______)(_______)(_______) _
_____ _____ _____ _____ ____ _| |_ ___ ____
| ___) | ___) | ___)| ___ | / ___)(_ _)/ _ \ / ___)
| |_____ | | | | | ____|( (___ | |_| |_| || |
|_______)|_| |_| |_____) \____) \__)\___/ |_|
EFFector Vol. 31, No. 2 Thursday February 22, 2018 editor(a)eff.org
A Publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
ISSN 1062-9424
effector: n, Computer Sci. A device for producing a
desired change.
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In our 729th issue:
* Don't Let Congress Censor the Internet
The House of Representatives is about to vote on a bill
that would force online platforms to censor their users.
The Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex
Trafficking Act (FOSTA) might sound noble, but it would do
nothing to stop sex traffickers. What it would do is force
online platforms to police their users' speech more
forcefully than ever before, silencing legitimate voices in
the process.
EFF has been opposed to a similar bill called the Stop
Enabling Sex Traffickers Act (SESTA). A new amendment is
about to combine the worst elements of SESTA and FOSTA into
a monster of a bill that would be a disaster for Internet
intermediaries, marginalized communities, and even
trafficking victims themselves.
If you don't want Congress to undermine the online
communities we all rely on, please take a moment to call
your representative and urge them to oppose FOSTA.
Read more:
* John Perry Barlow, Internet Pioneer, 1947-2018
With a broken heart, EFF Executive Director Cindy Cohn
announced the passing of EFF Founder John Perry Barlow the
morning of February 7th. Cindy remembered Barlow as a
visionary whose leadership allowed for the developments and
proliferation of significant parts of the Internet we all
know and love today.
Barlow saw the Internet as a fundamental place for freedom,
amplifying voices and and each of us to connect with others
regardless of physical distance.
We will continue to work toward the realization of John
Perry Barlow's mission of making the Internet into "a world
that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded
by race, economic power, military force, or station of
birth... a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or
her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being
coerced into silence or conformity."
Read more:
* Law Enforcement Use of Face Recognition Systems Threatens
Civil Liberties
Law enforcement use of face recognition is increasing
rapidly. Surveillance cameras boast real-time face scanning
and identification capabilities; and federal, state and
local law enforcement agencies have access to hundreds of
millions of images of law-abiding Americans.
As more agencies adopt body-worn cameras, many in the law
enforcement community hope to use these tools to identify
people in the dark, match a person to a police sketch, or
even construct an image of a person's face from a sample of
their DNA.
In Face Off, EFF's recently released report on law
enforcement use of face recognition technology, Senior
Staff Attorney Jennifer Lynch notes "People should not have
to worry that they may be falsely accused of a crime
because an algorithm mistakenly matched their photo to a
suspect. They shouldn't have to worry that their data will
end up in the hands of identity thieves because face
recognition databases were breached. They shouldn't have to
fear that their every move will be tracked if face
recognition is linked to the networks of surveillance
cameras that blanket many cities."
Legislation is needed to place meaningful checks on
government use of face recognition, including rules
limiting retention and sharing, requiring notification when
face prints are collected, ensuring robust security
procedures to prevent data breaches, and establishing legal
processes governing when law enforcement may collect face
images from the public without their knowledge.
Read more:
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EFF Updates
* EFF and MuckRock Are Filing a Thousand Public Records
Requests About ALPR Data Sharing
In a campaign to reveal how much data law enforcement
agencies have collected using automated license plate
readers (ALPRs), EFF and Muckrock are filing approximately
1,000 public records requests with agencies that have deals
with Vigilant Solutions, one of the nation's largest
vendors of ALPR surveillance technology and software
* The Catalog of Missing Devices
Thanks to the chilling effects of an obscure copyright
law--Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright
Act--there's a whole catalog of devices that are missing
from our world. It's often hard to notice what isn't there,
but we're aiming to fix that, with the help of a little
design fiction we call "The Catalog of Missing Devices."
* The False Teeth of Chrome's Ad Filter
Google launched a new version of its Chrome browser with
what it calls an "ad filter," which means that it sometimes
blocks ads but is not an "ad blocker." While the filter is
intended to dissuade aggressive ad formats, the problem has
other dimensions. Whether it's the use of ads as a vector
for malware, the consumption of mobile data plans by
bloated ads, or the monitoring of user behavior through
tracking technologies, users have a lot of reasons to take
action and defend themselves. But these elements are
* Court Dismisses Playboy's Lawsuit Against Boing Boing
(For Now)
In a win for free expression, a court has dismissed a
copyright lawsuit against Happy Mutants, LLC, the company
behind acclaimed website Boing Boing. From the outset of
this lawsuit, we have been puzzled as to why Playboy, once
a staunch defender of the First Amendment, would attack a
small news and commentary website. Although the decision
allows Playboy to try again with a new complaint, it is
still a good result for supporters of online journalism and
sensible copyright.
* Will Canada Be the New Testing Ground for SOPA-lite?
A consortium of media and distribution companies calling
itself "FairPlay Canada" is lobbying for Canada to
implement a fast-track, extrajudicial website blocking
regime in the name of preventing unlawful downloads of
copyrighted works. The proposal would require service
providers to "disappear" certain websites, endangering
Internet security and sending a troubling message to the
world: it's okay to interfere with the Internet, even
effectively blacklisting entire domains, as long as you do
it in the name of IP enforcement.
* Companies Must Be Accountable to All Users: The Story of
Egyptian Activist Wael Abbas
Over the years, Egyptian journalist Wael Abbas has
experienced censorship at the hands of Youtube, Twitter,
Facebook, and Yahoo!; four of Silicon Valley's top
companies. Although more extreme, his story isn't so
different from that of the many individuals who find
themselves unceremoniously removed from a social platform.
Abbas was only able to have his suspensions overturned
after contacting EFF. For every prominent journalist
documenting injustice who manages to get through their
filters, how many more have lost the fight against the
censors before they had a chance to reach a wider public?
: . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . : . :
~ Instagram submits to Russia censor's demands
Instagram obeys the Russian government's request to remove
a video (with over 5 million views) posted by opposition
leader Alexey Navalny's anti-corruption group. (BBC)
~ Ethiopia drops charges against Zone 9 bloggers
The remaining two “Zone 9” bloggers who were
critical of Ethiopia’s government have been released
as part of a larger release of hundreds of prisoners.
(Yahoo! News)
~ German court says Facebook's real name policy is
German court tells Facebook their "real names" policy
violates the law. (The Verge)
~ New Orleans Eyes Bars and Restaurants as New Focus of
Vendors promise the technology is going to solve all the
public safety problems... it doesn't. (CityLab)
~ How a kid cartoonist avoided Scholastic's digital
sharecropping trap
When kids apply for the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards,
they fully transfer the copyright for their submission to
Scholastic--even if they don't win--and often without
realizing it. (boingboing)
~ Samsung and Roku Smart TVs Vulnerable to Hacking Consumer
Reports Finds
Two worrisome findings from a Consumer Reports study of
Smart TVs: You can limit data collection, but you'll lose a
lot of functionality, like streaming Netflix or Amazon.
(Consumer Reports)
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* Privacy Policy Update
We've updated our privacy policy to clarify how EFF works
with third parties like content delivery networks and cloud
service providers.
* Alternative News vs. the Surveillance State in Portland,
The media has a crucial role to play in exposing how police
are invading privacy through new technologies, and the
alternative press has long been the standard bearers. At
the 2018 Association of Alternative Newsmedia Digital
Conference, EFF Investigative Researcher Dave Maass will
provide an overview of surveillance tech and describe how
news organizations such as the The Stranger, LA Weekly, and
OC Weekly have shined light on mass surveillance through
reporting and the courts.
* EFF at NewCo Shift Forum in San Francisco, CA
Join our Executive Director, Cindy Cohn, as she and UC
Berkeley Chancellor Carol Christ take the stage for a
discussion around Free Speech and the Corporation, on day
two of Shift Forum. This 25 minute conversation will be
moderated by Nellie Bowles, of The New York Times and allow
for a Q&A immediately following.
NewCo Shift Forum brings together innovators, corporate
leaders, legislators and academics to tackle some of the
toughest questions of our time, concerning the future of
Democracy, food production and distribution, automation in
the workplace, and the inability of policy to keep pace
with technology.
* Job Opening: Staff Attorney--Intellectual Property
EFF is seeking an intellectual property staff attorney to
join our legal team in San Francisco. Responsibilities
include litigation, public speaking, media outreach, and
legislative and regulatory advocacy, all in connection with
a variety of intellectual property and cutting-edge
technology matters.
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Our members make it possible for EFF to bring legal and technological
expertise into crucial battles about online rights. Whether defending free
speech online or challenging unconstitutional surveillance, your
participation makes a difference. Every donation gives technology users who
value freedom online a stronger voice and more formidable advocate.
If you aren't already, please consider becoming an EFF member today.
Donate Today [1]
[1] https://supporters.eff.org/join/effector
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* Administrivia
Nathan Sheard, Grassroots Advocacy Organizer
EFFector is published by:
The Electronic Frontier Foundation
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Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is
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The Let's Encrypt Team
Lieber geliebter,
Ich suche Ihre Nachsicht, um um Ihre Unterstützung bezüglich des Inhaltes meiner Post zu bitten, obwohl ich mich nicht wohl fühle, dieses Mittel wegen der vielen unaufgeforderten Posts im Internet zu diskutieren, aber ich habe kein anderes Medium, um es jetzt gerade zu tun, seit der Situation von meine Gesundheit verschlechtert sich.
Mein Name ist Mr. Andrew Gustafson, ich komme aus United States of America, Washington DC und ich bin 84 Jahre alt. Ich wohne derzeit in Paris. Ich habe Ihre Informationen beim Surfen im Internet auf der Suche nach einer zuverlässigen / ehrlichen Person, die Ihnen helfen könnte; Ich bin ein sterbender Mann, der sich entschieden hat, das zu geben, was ich für dich / Organisation habe. Ich wurde vor ein paar Monaten wegen Krebs diagnostiziert, unmittelbar nach dem Tod meiner Frau und meines einzigen Sohnes, alles, wofür sie arbeitete. Ich bin von Gott berührt worden, um von dem, was ich von meiner Frau geerbt habe, für das gute Werk Gottes zu spenden.
Bitte bete, dass der gute Herr ihre Sünden vergibt. Ich habe Gott gebeten, ihr zu vergeben, und ich glaube, dass er es ist, weil er ein barmherziger Gott ist. Ich war mit Pilot Sarah Gustafson verheiratet. Meine Frau war eine englische Pilotin, die am 13. November 2015 in der Bataclan Konzerthalle in Paris starb. Als meine verstorbene Frau am Leben war, hinterlegte sie die Summe von € 7.500.000,00, die aus ihren riesigen Vermögen und Investitionen in den Kapitalmarkt bei einer Sicherheitsfirma hier in Paris stammte. Ich entschied mich, Sie zu kontaktieren, um den Fonds zu erhalten. Dies unter der Bedingung, dass Sie nur 20% der Mittel für sich selbst aufbringen, während Sie die restlichen 80% an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen in Ihrem Land verteilen.
Gegenwärtig ist dieses Geld noch bei der Societe Generale Bank, Paris, Frankreich. Mein Arzt sagte mir, dass ich wegen der Krebserkrankungen, an denen ich leide, und der Unruhe-Nacht, die über den Vorfall meiner Frau und meines einzigen Sohnes nachdachte, nur begrenzte Lebenstage habe. Ich habe beschlossen, diesen Fonds für Sie zu spenden und möchte, dass Sie dieses Geschenk nutzen, das von meiner Frau ausgeht, um den Unterhalt von Witwen, Witwern, Waisenkindern, mittellosen, ausgetretenen, körperlich behinderten Kindern, unfruchtbaren Frauen und Personen zu finanzieren erweisen sich als wirklich finanziell behindert.
Ich werde Ihre äußerste Vertraulichkeit in dieser Angelegenheit zu schätzen wissen, bis die Aufgabe erfüllt ist, da ich nichts wünsche, was meinen letzten Wunsch gefährden würde. Und auch ich werde mit dir per E-Mail kontaktieren, andrewgustafson5(a)gmail.com
Herr Andrew Gustafson
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The Let's Encrypt Team
Hallo in die Runde!
Ich wollte unsere Wiki-Seiten überarbeiten und Bilder hinzufügen. Aber der Upload von Bilder ist auf max 2 MB beschränkt. Wenn ich nun die Bilder verkleinere und hochlade kommt nur
413 Request Entity Too Large
Könnte sich das einer mal anschauen? Ich habe alles ausprobiert :/
Ulf und ich sitzen grade an der neuen Website
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