FYI, beachte die angegebene url zum passwort reset
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Betreff: Reset Password
Datum: Fri, 03 Mar 2017 20:47:22 +0000
Von: Netmon <noreply(a)>
An: lrnzo <lrnzo(a)>
Hello lrnzo,
you have notified us about a forgotten password. By following this link
you will be logged in without requiring a password. Please change your
password after you have been logged in.
Best whishes
on monday Freifunk has been accepted as mentoring organization for the Google
Summer of Code 2017 scholarship program. This year we offer much more projects
than in the past. And again there are also three projects proposed by mentors
from Freifunk Nordwest.
WIFI GeoLocator (mentored by Johannes):
Netmon (mentored by Clemens):
All three projects offered by Freifunk Nordwest are software development
projects and we would really appreciate your application for one of our
projects. So please bookmark the date for the students application period
(March 20, 2017 - April 3, 2017) and take a look at our organizations page:
If you are interested in taking part in one of our projects please contact us
privatey or via the WLANWare mailinglist:
If Freifunk does not fit your interests there are thousands of other projects
and hundrets of organizations to take a look at - many of them well known for
the best opensource software in the world. Please visit the GSoC 2017 website
for more information:
Best whishes
Dear interested developers,
Netmon is an OpenSource software for monitoring and administration of free
networks. After the preview release in December today I'm proud to announce
the availability of the first stable version of the second generation of
The idea of Netmon 1.0 is based on the first Netmon software from 2009 that we
built for Freifunk Nordwest. But this one is technologically different. Today
Netmon is not a single software anymore. Instead it comes with multiple well
circumscribed applications all together building up an ecosystem for
monitoring and administration of free networks.
Netmon API-Server: Developing and administration is fun
By making the datastorage vertically scallable life for administrators will be
much easier on growing userbase and increasing numbers of monitorable devices.
By using well tested and broadly known Frameworks (MySQL,Laravel and Composer)
updating the datastorage and version migrations will become a breeze.
Beside this the datastorage is accessible through a stateless REST API using
the well known json:api specification ( which will make
developing client applications real fun.
While the API makes the data accessible in a uniform format it also manages an
authentication, authorisation and a validation layer. Check out whats called
the Netmon API-Server at:
Netmon API-Server Modules: Diversity is not a show stopper
The next feature will help diversity to not become a show-stopper. When
talking about free networks there are so many different approaches and setups
no one would ever be able to combine this into a single application. So do I.
Therefore the Netmon API-Server supports modularization. Whichever datamodel
or feature you need: build a module for it and get what you want! By default
the Netmon API-Server only comes with resources for user and authorisation
management. To make it capable for monitoring devices (freifunk nodes) this
release provides a first initial module. This is called the Netmon API-Server
Devices module:
Netmon Web-Client: Layer 8 wants it easy!
The Netmon Web-Client is the application that most people will get in touch
with. So it needs to be quite easy. If you would have to send a cable telling
someone how to use the Web-Client after plugging in his device it would be
really cheap: "Signup->Login->Own your device [STOP]".
The Netmon Web-Client is also the place where I want to encourage you to Make
Netmon Great Again!1! If Mr. Trump would be a software (bad developers?)
Netmon would be his opponent. Because it stands for freedom, diversity and
openness. If you are a developer interested in building beatiful web
applications using latest technology, the Netmon Web-Client is the place to
be. Built using the Angular 2 typscript framework, the Material 2 design
framework combined with the Angular-Flex layout engine you can get a whole
different view on modern web application development. Desktop and mobile
(currently only chrome mobile, firefox has some trouble) capable.
Developers please follow our mailinglist, ask questions and bring up your
Netmon Node-Client: For the embedded
All previous mentioned applications dont make fun if you dont have data to
manage. So this is the smallest but nevertheless important one. Written in LUA
the Netmon Node-Client feeds the API with the latest status data from your
device using simple http requests. If you want to try it out, please notice
to use the main mac adress of your device (all lowercase, no double colons)
to own the device in the Netmon Web-Client. Checkout:
* Source:
* Package-Feed:
* FFNW updated siteconf:
Get a glimpse: the Freifunk Nordwest production environment
At the end of every anouncement there needs to be something to show. And I'm
not going to disappoint you. The current state of the application does not
display that much data as the old Netmon or the Meshviewer did. In fact it
currently only displays if a device is only or offline. But I worked really hard
to prepare a base for you, that can be scientifically and practically
considered a good approach to solve a lot of trouble that we had in the past.
Making it last for years is up2you.
Freifunk Nordwest Netmon Web-Client:
Freifunk Nordwest Netmon API-Server:
Best whishes
Clemens John
P.S. I'm going to l take a short break now and will be back on feb 6th
Oliver hatte vor einigen Tagen schon einen Thread zur Optimierung der
bestehenden Freifunk Karte geöffnet. Ich würde an das Thema gerne anknüpfen,
allerdings mit dem Vorschlag des Neuentwurfs einer Kartenanwendung im Netmon
Wenn ich das richtig sehe, dann hat die bestehende Karte relativ fundamentale
Probleme beim Anzeigen großer Datensätze und ich glaube mit Blick auf die
Zukunft lohnt es sich dieses Thema nochmal im speziellen anzugehen.
Falls da Interesse besteht, habe ich hier unter dem Punkt "Map-Client" einmal
kurz alles zusammengefasst was mir an relevanten Punkten dazu einfällt:
Viele Grüße
Hi folks,
after two years of hard development I'm proud to release a preview of the new
Netmon software compilation.
The release currently consists of three applications:
1. The Netmon Server
The Netmon Server is written in PHP using the Laravel framework and provides:
* a database to store data
* a fully featured usermanagement
* an authentication layer using stateless token authentication implemented
on JWT
* an authorisation layer following the Attribute Based Access Control pattern
* a software stack that provides a basic REST API (CRUD) with HATEOAS
support using the JSON:API format
* a module layer that allows extending the basic server and turning it into a
fully featured application using the module pattern
More informations and installation manual can be found at:
2. The Devices-Module (extending the Netmon Server)
The Devices module is written in PHP and provides:
* routes to manage devices (better known as Freifunk nodes)
* routes to manage statusdata for devices
To install the Devices module please take a look at:
3. The Netmon Web-Client
The Netmon Web-Client is written in Typescript using the Angular 2 framework
and provides
* A GUI to turn the data provided by the Netmon Server into a web application
that can be used by humans
To install the Netmon Web-Client please take a look at:
Extendable - Maintainable - Scalable
All three appications are developed to be heavily extendable by using the
module pattern. The size of each module is made handsome small so that each
module can be developed and maintained by a single person. This allows the
software to grow fast but stay maintainable and customizable all time.
The software compilations architecture in general is designed to be a
distributed system. To benefit from this I took care of the REST API to be
truly stateless thus allowing it to be scaled up horizontally verry easily if
your userbase grows.
Development status
The status of the software is preview - better known as beta. This means the
software is mainly feature complete but is missing documentation, bugs
occur sometimes and not all parts are as shiny as they would be in a stable
The first stable version 1.0 of all three applications is sheduled for December
31th 2016. This is about one month of time that I will use to iron out last
bugs and finish documentation. The goal of the first stable version is, to
deploy a basic but fully working freifunk node monitoring process. From
registering a node at the Netmon Server up to viewing the node in a node list
and receiving regulary updated statusdata.
Taking part in development
Starting with the stable release in 2017 I would like to invite you to take
part in development by taking up the responsibility for existing modules and
to develop new modules which your community might need. Some ideas are
gathered here:
If you cant wait and want to start developing now, please consider to become
maintainer of the (currently unstarted) Node Client:
Just watching the demo
Last but not least I prepared a demo for you. Signup and play around (data
will be deleted on stable release). And dont forget to hit "Strg+Shift+K" in
Firefox; The really interesting parts take place on the "Network"-Tab" ;)
Best whishes
(hier ist ja echt wenig los, aber die Listen hat schon jemand
ich war gestern beim Treffen und hab dort angekündigt, dass ich gerne
behilflich bin, die zu optimieren.
Mit solchen Anwendungen habe ich täglich zu tun, da ich beruflich
Software im Geo/Karten-Umfeld entwickle. Mit
JavaScript/Client-Anwendungen hab ich zwar direkt nichts zu tun (dafür
hab ich Kollegen :-)), aber ich kenne mich da trotzdem etwas aus.
Ich hab gestern mit Eike schon besprochen was man bei einer neuen
Anwendung berücksichtigen sollte. Hauptsächlich sollten die Daten direkt
als GeoJSON geladen werden. Den Rest macht dann Leaflet schon
automatisch. Das GeoJSON sollte dann auch nur die Informationen
beinhalten, die tatsächlich benötigt werden (für die Karte benötigt man
sicherlich nicht die Softwareversionsstände).
Ich hab die node/graph.json mal in GeoJSON umgewandelt und ne kleine
Demo mit Leaflet erstellt. Sind 3.5k Nodes und 3.2k Links:
Code ist unter:
Kurzfristig sollte auf im Nginx `gzip on` und `gzip_types
application/json`. Das macht die Anwendung nicht schneller, die Ladezeit
sollte sich aber verkürzen. Aus 4 MB JSON sollten 0.5 MB werden.
<<english version below>>
Freifunk wurde in diesem Jahr als Organisation beim Google Summer of Code
akzeptiert. Ich habe dort 2011 als Student mitgemacht und stehe in diesem Jahr
zum ersten mal als Mentor für drei Projekte im Zusammenhang mit Netmon-SC zur
Die Freifunk GSoC-Seite:
Um diese Projekte geht es:
Du bist Student und hast Interesse? Dann informiere dich über die
Anmeldebedingungen und nimm Kontakt mir mir auf um dein Projekt zu
diskutieren! Die Bewerbungsphase beginnt am 14. März.
Viele Grüße
Freifunk has been accepted as mentoring organisation in Google Summer of Code
2016. I participated in 2011 as student and this year I will be your mentor
for three projects concerning Netmon-SC for the first time.
Freifunk GSoC Website:
Ideas concerning Netmon-SC:
You are a student and interested? Check the participation rules and contact me
to discuss your project! Application phase will start at March 14th.
Best wishes
Hallo Andreas,
Moin Netmon-Dev Liste,
ich habe heute noch zwei Projektvorschläge für den GSoC 2016 auf der Ideen-
Seite im Wiki ergänzt:
Vom Schwierigkeitsgrad her bewegen sich die Projekte bei 2-3. Ich denke das
ist eine gute Ergänzung zu den den beiden anderen bisher eingereichten
Projekten, die sich vom Schwierigkeitsgrad her zwischen 4-5 bewegen.
Viele Grüße
ich bin der Autor der iOS App Freifunk. Um die Knoten aller Communities anzuzeigen verwende ich mitunter das Projekt
Dieses Projekt erwartet eine JSON Schnittstelle welche in drei verschiedenen Formaten vorliegen kann.
Gibt es jemanden der mir helfen kann, diese in eurer Software zu implementieren?