as i already pointed out on the mailinglist nordwest@lists.ffnw.de yesterday, there are 166 entries in the database of openwifi.su, which are identical to MAC addresses of the client-interface (aka primary MAC and node-id) of wifi routers in the Freifunk Nordwest network. Almost all of those entries are located in the area of north-western Germany. see primary-macs.csv for the found matches and ssids.csv for SSIDs i calculated from these MACs. We need the SSIDs instead of the MACs, because the MACs are not transmitted by any meshrouter. The SSIDs however are transmitted and can therefore be seen by neighbor routers. How did the MACs get into openwifis db in the first place? well some people (including me) thought t might be good idea to upload them, but that was a mistake. Simple as that.
The SSIDs in ssids.csv are calculated as follows: let xx:yy:zz:foo be are MACs. as i observed the ssid is always like xx+2:yy+2:zz+1:foo (everything modulo 256) I hope this applies globally.
i also created a plot of the found matches (see plot1.eps). as you can see most of the matches are located in an area where lat > 51.0 and 7.0<lon<9.0. those are the interesting one. so i filtered the ssids.csv into ssids-nw-area.csv (see plot2.eps)
i think, the remaining 160 ssids in ssids-nw-area.csv should all be pushed into the openwifi.su database.
can you do that?
all the mentioned files can be found at
Regards lrnzo