Hello together,
I got a scholarship form Google this year. My Project is a software defined GPS [0].
In the weak project over view I plan to divide this Project into 3 or 4 sub-projects
The first one is a restful API backend whit should include a backwards compatibly to
the old openwifi web backend. May written in Go.
The next is a kernel module which should communicate with the restful API and provided
a device driver under /dev as a tty driver. The Linux kernel provides GPS hardware as
tty devices. This software defined tty device should print GPS format e.g. NMEA 0183.
The goal of this kernel module is that programs like gpsd and other can easily use
this standard tty device as a normal GPS hardware. The position detection continues
over Wifi. The advantaged of this module is that devices like laptops or routers can
have simulated GPS hardware. After that a library should convert the NMEA 0183 format
to long-/latitude and print that.
Best regards,
[0] https://summerofcode.withgoogle.com/projects/#6078953772023808
# Home tarek(a)ring0.de
# Freifunk Nordwest <tarek(a)ffnw.de>
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as i already pointed out on the mailinglist nordwest(a)lists.ffnw.de
yesterday, there are 166 entries in the database of openwifi.su, which
are identical to MAC addresses of the client-interface (aka primary MAC
and node-id) of wifi routers in the Freifunk Nordwest network. Almost
all of those entries are located in the area of north-western Germany.
see primary-macs.csv for the found matches and ssids.csv for SSIDs i
calculated from these MACs. We need the SSIDs instead of the MACs,
because the MACs are not transmitted by any meshrouter. The SSIDs
however are transmitted and can therefore be seen by neighbor routers.
How did the MACs get into openwifis db in the first place? well some
people (including me) thought t might be good idea to upload them, but
that was a mistake. Simple as that.
The SSIDs in ssids.csv are calculated as follows: let xx:yy:zz:foo be
are MACs. as i observed the ssid is always like xx+2:yy+2:zz+1:foo
(everything modulo 256) I hope this applies globally.
i also created a plot of the found matches (see plot1.eps). as you can
see most of the matches are located in an area where lat > 51.0 and
7.0<lon<9.0. those are the interesting one. so i filtered the ssids.csv
into ssids-nw-area.csv (see plot2.eps)
i think, the remaining 160 ssids in ssids-nw-area.csv should all be
pushed into the openwifi.su database.
can you do that?
all the mentioned files can be found at
Regards lrnzo
2016-05-25 18:18 GMT+05:00 <io(a)tameraslan.net>:
> Tamer Aslan:
> :
> Hello!
> First, I just like it a lot what you are doing! Also with the android apps
> for scanning wifis, it works quite well!
> We are currently trying to prototype electronic board games to be played
> in the city. For geo-locationing, we want to see if Arduino derivatives
> with wifi chips like ESP8266 can estimate location with libwlocate. I have
> just started to dig depeer into wlocate, but wanted to ask if you have any
> suggestions or ideas.
> here is the project page: http://www.tameraslan.net/citygames/
> Thanks!
> Tamer
Hello all, im not full understand how use maillist. ( yes im so old but
never use maillist or news )
First for API i see two task:
1. Return location by bssids
2. Collect data about bssids
Now in new api relesed only 1.
And now i use some from best practices by build api:
1. API uses seperate url
2. API version in url
I would like to initiate some refactoring on the project management of the
OpenWifi project. Because discussions on mailinglists can be quite hard I
opened an etherpad so we get an overview on existing ideas and opinions.
Please head over to the following URL and add your comments:
There are currently 7 people registered on this mailinglist. Please forward
this to all people that might be interested in this topic. If everyone
aggrees, I will try to take care of the discussion and hand the results over
to the new/old projectmanager afterwards.
Best whishes